5th Generation: Brigham Howe & Sarah "Sally" Allen
Brigham Howe
Born on 23 November 1779 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America to Uriah Howe (MA) and Martha Graves (NH).
Married Sarah "Sally" Allen.
Died on 5 October 1869 in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, New York, United States of America.
(Further research is necessary to discover and validate vital information for Brigham Howe.)
Brigham Howe and Sarah "Sally" Allen's son, Thomas L. Howe, married Lucy Almira Lockwood.
Sarah "Sally" Allen
Born in 1791 in Vermont, United States of America to Samuel Allen (MA) and Pamela Lowrey (NH).
Married Sarah "Sally" Allen.
Died on 14 February 1867 in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, New York, United States of America.
(Further research is necessary to discover and validate vital information for Sarah "Sally" Allen.)
Brigham Howe and Sarah "Sally" Allen's son, Thomas L. Howe, married Lucy Almira Lockwood.
Though no vital records have been discovered, documents included in her mother Pamela Lowrey’s widow’s pension application for the service of Samuel Allen mention Sally by name.
“Sarah Howe” is listed among the recipients on the Certificate of Pension; and James K. Richardson, Surrogate in the County of Seneca, New York, includes “Sarah or Sally Howe… of St Lawrence County New York” among Pamela Allen’s surviving children in a letter written on 3 October 1848.
Sarah “Sally” Allen would not have been included in the documents if she was not the daughter of both Pamela Lowrey and Samuel Allen.